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Question: How do you write about how you feel about your school uniform in German? 



Answer: At y11 GCSE level you would normally be expected to be able to do the following:

1. Use nouns for clothes

2. Use colours

3. Say whether you like your uniform or not and give reasons

4. At Higher level, say what you would prefer to wear


1.Start off with ‘meine Uniform ist…’ or ‘zur Schule trage ich…’

2. Then list clothes and colours eg: eine weiße Bluse, eine rote Krawatte, einen blauen Rock, eine schwarze Hose, ein graues Hemd, eine grüne Jacke und braune Schuhe. The endings on the colours are correct just use the correct colour for your own uniform.

3. To give an opinion, the easiest way is ‘ich finde meine Uniform’ and add a word such as ‘altmodisch’ (old fashioned), ‘häßlich’ (ugly), ‘praktisch’ (practical) or ‘schick’ (smart).

4. If you need to say what you’d prefer to wear, use ‘ich würde lieber …….. tragen. Add the appropriate clothes and colors where the dots are to keep your word order correct.

5. If you understand how to use ‘weil’ (because) and how it affects word order, this will get more quality of language marks.



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