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Most spiders live on their own but a few species live in a family units sharing webs and prey.

All spiders are predatory and will even sometimes each one another.

Most spiders live on insects which they have to catch in order to survive.

Many spiders weave silken webs to catch their prey. In most spiders the silk is produced from glands in the spider's abdomen.

Although spiders spend hours making these webs they sometimes only catch one fly every few days.

Spiders often have to carry out repairs to their webs when they become damaged.

You can often tell the type of spider from the shape of the web.

The web of the garden spider is wheel-shaped.



The web of the field spider is a tangled mass of threads.

The web of the house spider is a horizontal sheet.






All spiders don't use a web to kill their prey.

Wolf-spiders chase their prey.

Jumping spiders hide and spring on their victims.

Some spiders hide in flowers the same colour of themselves and wait for visiting insects.

Some spiders make silken tubes in the ground. It then catches worms, snails and beetles through the walls of this silken tube.

Spiders produce poison with which to overcome their prey. It also deters predators who would eat them.